Monday, May 2, 2011

Accessories Haul!

Come to think of it, i never post a haul entry before. First of all i'm never a fashionable person (or fashionable enough), secondly i just don't have that kinda money to constantly update my wardrobe with the current trendy item.

Recently i have this deadly attraction to accessories. Well when you don't have the guts to spend big on clothes, you go small on bits and pieces that work just as well to spice up your style!

Bangles are my kryptonite...look at the pictures!

Newest purchase. Metallic gold bangles perfect for my new fond vintage look =)

Bangles ready to rock =) It's a must whenever i need to add a lil attitude

Red beads. Love the red.

Multi-color beads.

Earrings have gone from small to big to HUGE (especially with my current short hair look)

Small and simple when i feel(need/act? XD) elegant

Vintage earrings my newest love! (2 for RM10~)

Magenta is not really my kinda color but sometimes you need that splash of color in a mundane look =)

Humongous earrings for my short hair XD

Rings!! Blogger have short chubby fingers hence very little possession of rings. However these tiny little things are just too cute to not bring home! And you know what, 2 for RM5! (I started to regret those i didn't buy...)

Not too much necklace as blogger have sensitive skin that reacts badly to fake silver/gold.


Anonymous said...

lurve the rings...

greencollide said...

Cute right??? And cheap!!! XD