Friday, February 5, 2010

Night Market

Hey me love Friday.
Just came back from a night market behind Grace's apartment. Omg it extend all the way down the road and make a U-turn back from the other side. Something funny happened and i can't share it here, Hooi Min you know what i mean. LOLZ. I'm a sucker for handmade stuff and yes i bought them. Ahhh is a jinx. Snakcs from night market are usually deep-fried, not a big fan as i grow older. (me no like zits) Random items i can remember: RM10 crock shoes, stupid chilly sauce, CNY decos and a brown poodle.


Anonymous said...

wei you bought a doggggggggggggggggg?????????????????????????
like a REAL one????

greencollide said...

No way, i saw this poodle at one of the stalls. =)