Was wanting to do some online learning for work project but the training media player would not load. Issh. Creating hundreds of ticket tomorrow complaining!
Was talking to grace the other day and she told me how guys handle their emotions. They compartmentalize it. No matter what happen they make sure one doesn't affect any other aspect of their life. While for girls, it is a big bowl of mixed feelings. Very true and not healthy. If you can do so why can't i? I took a shot. Well i must say it really work..i stop thinking about him and love and us. I just, you know, being emotionless. I packed my feelings and buried it somewhere deep down where it doesn't hurt. Miracle! I feel nothing..and that i think is good.
For the nights..it is still a lil hard as mind wander off easily. I still cry but wasn't that much now, for i am getting numb. I am going through each day doing things that i think is right(i hope i'm right this time) and not think about anything else.
I love you
no don't think about it
I miss you
no u don't think about it
I'm worry about you
no you worry about you and family and friends first
alright alright i get it
Just do it
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