Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I lost a friend
Because you do not agree with what i have done
I lost a friend
I am still your friend
I won't explain there's no excuses
I hope we can still be friend


Keith said...

u got a new friend - me :D


like the song singing:
..there will be an answer, let it be

greencollide said...

Being friends with phantom? Interesting.

Keith said...

interesting ler~
my presence without u notice


not meant to be keh po
i did read some of your recent stories..
hope u live much greater and stronger with something missing

it's ok to be emotional, it's ok to be emotionless.. anything as long as you find it works for you in this "tuning" period

greencollide said...

Thanks. I'll try not to make a fool out of myself.

Keith said...

i wish you have a wonderful weekend..